All environmental work


Lining of pads and
clinker pads



Fence installation

Arrangement of
arbores and saunas

Roofing facades

Mini truck, excavator,
and dumper services

Laying paving

Preparation of the substrate. The first work should be compaction of the land where tiles will be laid. Attention should be paid to drainage. If the primer is damp and not very firm, special geosynthetics should be used. On the other hand, if the primer is sandy, it is often not necessary to lay the retaining layer.

ПCorrect paving. Tiles and / or paving stones must be laid accurately in accordance with the height, inclination angle and direction of travel, leaving
the cracks of the required size. The squeezed surface will not be able to eliminate even the smallest laying defect. This also applies to stoned stones with gaskets. It is true that gaskets cannot be considered as a substitute for fully filled seams. They can only be used as an auxiliary tool to create seams of appropriate width. The layout and size of the seams next to the sidewalk blocks and other collapsing elements or buildings must be planned with respect to the modulation grid. In this case, it should be borne in mind that, having assessed the technology of paving element manufacturing, the tolerance for tolerances is ± 3 mm.

To ensure that the seams are straight, a longitudinal cord is projected approximately every 3 m. When marking large areas, it is necessary to stretch the
cords in two directions and control the keeping of straight corners every 1-3 m. Concrete-framed curbs or edge elements, which are usually quite reliable in accepting the loads of the edges of the pavement should be used as the fence Such barriers are laid before the installation of an external pavement to prevent transverse deviations or stony seating.

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